A "Home" Coming
Anyway, Mom lives with Art now so to Dad "home" is where his wife is. We're hoping to build a lil' place for them to stay eventually on Art's land but there have been some issues on the financial front that are proving to be pretty big obstacles. Right now I'm guessing we need to get a better idea about Dad's long-term recovery before we rush to make more changes. That and other financial concerns for Mom and Dad are on the forefront of issues to contend with.
But as I was saying, Mom arranged for Handitran to bring/pickup Dad. It worked out great. We all enjoyed seeing Dad and while it would have been nice if he was coming home for good, we're grateful he's still here with us and still making progress. The kids, the grandchildren, seemed very happy that Grandpa was there. Jack got out his medical supplies (a child's Dr. set) and went to work on Grandpa infact.
I wanted to import some pictures but my connections at home or the blog site is having some problems. 4 hours later and I only managed to download 2 pictures into my family blog- the MikeKristyKoleJack one. We'll get the other pictures added soon.
Coincidentally this family "reunion" was also Karl's Birthday- Happy Birthday Big Bro.