Dad's Recovery

Dad fell from a ladder, he was really hurt. Our lives changed forever that day. This is his story, this is our story.

Monday, September 26, 2005

A "Home" Coming

Saturday Dad came home. Well not "home" as we knew it- that is now home to someone new. Yup, it is officially sold. Sad thing is the guy that owned it (Mom & Dad were renting) sold it for much less than what he offered to sell it to Mom and Dad for- that seemed wrong but oh well (one person's loss is another's gain sometimes).

Anyway, Mom lives with Art now so to Dad "home" is where his wife is. We're hoping to build a lil' place for them to stay eventually on Art's land but there have been some issues on the financial front that are proving to be pretty big obstacles. Right now I'm guessing we need to get a better idea about Dad's long-term recovery before we rush to make more changes. That and other financial concerns for Mom and Dad are on the forefront of issues to contend with.

But as I was saying, Mom arranged for Handitran to bring/pickup Dad. It worked out great. We all enjoyed seeing Dad and while it would have been nice if he was coming home for good, we're grateful he's still here with us and still making progress. The kids, the grandchildren, seemed very happy that Grandpa was there. Jack got out his medical supplies (a child's Dr. set) and went to work on Grandpa infact.

I wanted to import some pictures but my connections at home or the blog site is having some problems. 4 hours later and I only managed to download 2 pictures into my family blog- the MikeKristyKoleJack one. We'll get the other pictures added soon.

Coincidentally this family "reunion" was also Karl's Birthday- Happy Birthday Big Bro.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Mom sent this out Sept 13th…

Family and Friends,

This has been a fantastic week! Since Jerry was in the hospital for the bladder infection, he has been making progress by leaps and bounds. They took him off 2 meds, attivan and seroquel, I know I have spelled them wrong, and his mind is so much better. Even the short term memory is greatly improved. Marie called this morning, talked to him and told him that she was coming into town on Thurs. to see him and attend her class reunion. This evening when Arthur stopped to feed him dinner, he was telling Art that she was coming home and why. That wouldn't have happened 2 weeks ago.

He saw the Dr for the shoulder yesterday and it has healed great, doesn't have to go back unless he has trouble with it. Was cleared for therapy on it. It is stiff but hopefully with enough work, it will get better. The Dr said that he beat the odds-they were reluctant to do the surgery as they didn't think the bone would heal at all. They didn't tell us that at the time. He was tired today from the trip out yesterday, but otherwise so good.

My brother, Bert, stopped to see him and he asked him how the trip to Mississippi went and said that he had heard that he had done some good work for the hurricane victims. Bert and his 2 brother in laws were able to rescue about 130 people just E of New Orleans. I had told Jerry about it when it was happening but didn't talk about it again with him until he brought it up talking to Bert today.

He is also getting more control in the right leg and foot. It isn't crossing as bad when we have him in the walker or bars.

He asked today if it would be possible to leave the hosp for a few hours someday to see Art's house as he just couldn't quite remember it. We are hoping to get permission to bring him on the 24th for birthday cake with Karl and the rest of the family. I have him signed up with handitran and they run 6 days a week. I wished that they would run on Sundays also so he could go to church, but I usually am able to get help to get him dressed and in the chair so we can go to services in the dining room before I go to church.
The move is over now, phone and dsl are being shut off tomorrow.

Hopefully now that the move is over and Jerry is improving so much, I will be in communication more often.

Love and God's Blessing

Monday, September 05, 2005

He's Out of the Hospital

Dad's out of the Hospital, he was getting good care there and hopefully is feeling and doing better- I have not heard alot of details of test results and whatnot but I know when I was visiting him- the care he was receiving was pretty impressive.

The garage sale is over and Mom did well. When all was said and done, we were able to donate ALOT of stuff and hopefully others will benefit from this too. It was a good weekend, nice to spend time with family workin' to get Mom through this and great to see that she amount she received exceeded our expectations.

We have some things to wrap up, items to move to storage, Mom's house to finish clearing out and things of that nature but we're in the home stretch now.

It will be nice to have everything along those lines completed so we can focus on Dad's recovery and some of the day-to-day details concerning Mom's situation. There's alot left to do but the progress is encouraging.