Dad's Recovery

Dad fell from a ladder, he was really hurt. Our lives changed forever that day. This is his story, this is our story.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Halloween Came Early

Halloween came early this year AND we got to spend it with Dad. The place where Dad is recovering had a Halloween Party and we had a blast.

They had a costume contest and Maddy won (1st place at that- I think). It was cute, they had 3 of the lady residents there all judging and they were puttin’ on a little show of their own. They weren’t sitting in the right place, they kept getting sidetracked and then they couldn’t agree. Us women, young or not, we make things difficult sometimes.

Dad was in on the fun, sittin’ next to Karl and Regena and taking it all in. We didn’t get to spend much time with him throughout it all because the kids were on the RUN but at the end we regrouped. It was funny because Dad had this bag of candy and Jack tried to take off with it. I thought it belonged to the facility but it belonged to Dad- we all soon found out when he yelled out- hey, that's mine! Grandkid or not, no one was taking his candy.

Jack and I came back for a visit today. Jack rolled Grandpa around the facility lookin’ for a Jack-o-lantern and all the residents thought it was the cutest thing they had ever seen (it really was very cute).

Dad is seemingly in good spirits and gains more and more control over his movements from what I can tell. I secretly hope to see drastic changes from visit to visit but they are for sure more gradual than drastic. Still I always enjoy talking to him. Today he said I looked rested. He was right, I was. I haven’t been lately and he had noticed. It makes me feel good that he still focuses much on my well-being like that, he always did have a way of making me feel cared for.

He is an amazing guy and Mom is pretty amazing too- if I didn't know better, it seemed to me like she had helped out alot with this event. She was really happy and it showed. Doesn't she look so pretty? Karl and Regena helped out too- the frozen drink machine was up there and they were busy selling drinks for coupons (too bad the didn't have any alcohol in them though- chasing after those boys might have seemed less stressful if I could have had a lil' bit of the edge taken off- ha ha).

Family- there's nothing like it. Wish Marie was here to enjoy it. We miss ya Ree Ree.

Monday, October 10, 2005


This week’s message at Church was nothing short of amazing. I love it when the sermon hits home and we’re blessed enough to have a Pastor who somehow always manages to “reach me” Sunday after Sunday. I can’t imagine how I would get through these times without that time to reflect and release, without that reminder of God’s love, Jesus’ sacrifice and the promise of more to come.

But I digress back to the specifics of the sermon…
He spoke of suffering (or should I say repeated the sentiment already expressed in the Bible). He enforced a truth that I already knew- God can use suffering for good. Maybe it is because suffering has become more of a reality to me lately but I keep hearing this thought-process on suffering over and over. Maybe I just need the reminder? In ancase, it is so true. I know our family has suffered greatly during the last 5 months and yet I am still seeing good emerging from all the pain.

Dad is continuing to work on his recovery at a skilled nursing facility. This place use to seem to me the saddest place on earth but now I see it differently. Watching Dad navigate his wheelchair down the hall (and finding myself overcome with happiness that he has that type of coordination now)- I found myself in a surreal situation. Here we were, walking through the dining room and my Mom was the belle of the ball. Everyone was so happy to see her and she in turn was pleased to see them. Now I knew what Mom was doing for Dad, being there day after day, but I had no idea what she had become to all these other suffering people. Mom is painfully shy and because she’s always been so focused on her immediate family, she never got “out” enough to make many deep or lasting friendships outside of ours. But she has that now. They love her, Dad LOVES her, and I LOVE her so much it hurts. How blessed I am to have been born to such wonderful parents and how blessed are those that come into contact with them. Their spirit, their kindness will always be something I admire and thank God for. Suffering? In some ways I would say Mom and Dad are thriving- just in different ways than one would expect.

Tomorrow I may need another reminder that suffering is not all bad- but today it feels pretty good to see what God works out for us. I can do (and my Parents can do) all things through Christ who strengthens me (and them).

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Visit's End

It was touching seeing all the guys pull together,
making sure Dad was ready to go.

Grandpa's Improving

Jack's on the job, he's going to make sure Grandpa recovers.
For a lil' boy so young and often indifferent to the world around him,
he does have a concern and love for his Grandpa that makes me very proud.
Kids, they do help in the healing process- more than we know...