Dad's Recovery

Dad fell from a ladder, he was really hurt. Our lives changed forever that day. This is his story, this is our story.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

He's In the Hospital

Dad has an infection and pneumonia. Mom told Karl that he's drifting in and out of sleep and just overall isn't doing well. Let's pray he receives the care he needs.

We're going to go see him after work. Please contact me with the details when you get them.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Garage Sale Stuff

This isn't even including what's being stored in the trailer.

Good Enough

Good Enough to Remember, but not good enough to keep.

The Movin' Progress

Keep Catchin' Dad

REVISED- Jack was needing his Mommy and I wasn't paying very close attention to what I was typing when I posted this entry earlier. Sorry for all the mistakes. Sometimes I type without my glasses on and I'm pretty blind- not to mention my proofing skills have alot to be desired. I read it like I think it should be. Thanks McCritical for helping me out with my blogging skills.

Anyway, I keep catchin' Dad sleeping. He'll wake-up enough to say hi and then he's off to sleep again. I'm home with Jack now because he has a tummy bug and I'd love to go see him but I don't want to risk getting Dad or anyone else up there sick.

Can't wait to finish the move and get the Garage Sale done so that we can focus more on him. When is his next Dr. appt? When does the neck brace come off? Anyone know some details, I keep forgetting to ask? This is a great place to put updates.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Sunday, August 21, 2005


Lots to do, lots that's been done. Checkout our progress... It isn't home sweet home anymore. But now we know more than ever, Home is Where the Heart is...

That attic... oh that attic. In the words of Art "Not nice enough to display but good enought to keep" the house was lookin' okay till we unloaded that attic (and there's still more).

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Dad Was Sleeping

Saw Dad last night, but he was sleeping.

He looked good, we talked a lil' and he went back to sleep. He seemed happy to see me. I was happy to see him too, things have been crazy and time with Dad helps put everything else into perspective. Dad's still my hero after all of this, maybe more so now!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Added Text

Jaim, was nice enough to do these.

I wouldn't do words though- the symbol would be enough.

I'm still not saying No but...

I would love to hold out and see
what Rick comes up with.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mom's Email Update

From: Cleo 8/11/05

The halo is gone! It was removed on Tues. He still has to wear a plastic and foam collar until the next dr visit, but the therapist is calling to see if he has to wear it 24/7 or just when he is in wheelchair.

He now weighs 175, just before the accident he was grumbling that he was 212 and needed to lose.

He has been upgraded to eating soft-mechanical (course chopped). He is starting to take his meds crushed and mixed with apple sauce so the feeding tube will be the next to go.

He did so much better in therapy today. They had him trying to take steps in the parallel bars, but his right foot turns in and he is very weak on that side, but the left side is strong and the control seems to be getting a little better all the time. He still can't use the right arm and hand and as with the leg and foot, the left doesn't have alot of control yet, so he has to be fed.

I feed him breakfast, stay for therapy, feed him lunch and he is ready for a nap so I go home until time for dinner.

The move is coming along, I moved to Art's house last Thurs. Will be finishing the move this month.

As always, Thank God for the work that has been done in Jerry and ask for more.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tattoo Samples

I'm not saying I will... but these arn't bad.

Light of the World

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
-Matthew 5:14-16

Grow Love

Told Dad about a nice comment left on his blog. We went on discuss it. I told him the stranger that left it also had a blog that I had visited. I told Dad how this man was gay and how it seemed he had issues with Christians. Dad said that that is understandable. He said that Christians are not always kind. I agreed. I left a comment for the guy that we (Christians) should do what we do in love and that I know there are alot of people out there that think they're doing right, that they may be going against exactly what they profess to be. Dad said he likes to invite people like that into his life. That he thinks people who are basically good but have had struggles and have dealt with alot are sometimes just needing for others to be kind to them. He did do that, the door has always been open and many have entered and few have ever left for long. The type of people my parents are, usually makes others want to be around them. They have their views, their standards, but they always do what they do in love- most importantly (just like the bible says).

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

God Does Answer Prayers

The halo is coming off right now as we speak. We pray that this development will allow Dad to recover even sooner. As you can see in the pictures below- that halo was a hindrance. Thank God!

Garage Sale Aug27th/Final Push NOW

This Saturday we're having the BIG packup day (with a garage sale planned to happen soon). It is going to be alot of hard work- but I know we'll all pull together and getherdone. Not an easy time but we still have each other.

If anyone wants to donate something to the garage sale (and you live near Arlington), please let us know and we'll work out the details.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Oh the Humanity

A coworker stumbled upon the fact that he had not paid my Dad for some work. Ironically this guy always reminded me of a man like my Father- it use to be a joke but I would let him it was a HUGE compliment. Anyway, this wasn't something he had to tell me about, in fact I would have likely never known BUT this person wants to do the right thing. We do have a common humanity don't we? We'll get him the bill and he wants to give my Mom the money. Something she could really use. God comes through sometimes; I know this because to me, Humanity is nothing more than the Holy Spirit in motion touching our lives when we are open to it.

Left Dad's Crying 08/07/05

Not because I was sad, but because I was happy. We talked and it was GREAT. He was totally with it. He and I might as well been chatting at his house 4 months ago, after a long day's work. Everything he said was so insightul and interesting- but mostly filled with LOVE. He's an amazingly loving person with so much goodness in his heart.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Dad Has Lots of Friends

Dad still has his strong opinions, he wants to be in control. The staff (seen here) understand. He tries to be nice, but he wants to make his point. We're hoping his requests become more logical but we're thankful for the improvements thus far.

He's Moving Around Alot

Dad is in a special bed. It has zip down sides to keep him safe. He's moving around so much now that he could endanger himself if he didn't have this safety precaution.

Praying for the Halo to Come Off

Dad goes in to see the Dr. Monday, Aug 8th. We'll find out more about his progress and we're praying that means his halo will come off.

I'm Doing this for MOM

Mom, I hope you enjoy the world of blogging as much as I do! Here you can say whatever you want and if other's want to hear it (read it), they can. Either way it is a great way to track things in your life (and Dad's), not to mention you can receive people's comments and print out the blog from time to time as a keepsake.

I'm going to post some pictures and if you reply to the email I sent you and follow the directions, I'll set you up to be able to post and adjust the settings- essentially this site will be yours.

You can email the site to whomever you'd like and hopefully they'll interact and find it as interesting as I know it will be.

Love you,